Personalize your child’s AAC device with a unique AI voice
Children don’t look the same,
why should they sound the same?
Voice Hero for Your Child: An opportunity to give your child a unique voice by another child, creating a personalized and tailored communication experience for your child.
Comprehensive email support for every phase, from creating to installing your child's AI voice.
Our AI voices are designed to work across various platforms and devices, ensuring your child can communicate effectively, no matter the technology.
Personalize your child’s AAC device with a unique AI voice
We deployed the voices to the devices the minute we received them. We love them! Macayla uses her chat more with Riley's voice.
Brodee enjoys hearing someone similar to who he hears all the time.
We deployed the voices to the devices the minute we received them. We love them! Macayla uses her chat more with Riley's voice.
Brodee enjoys hearing someone similar to who he hears all the time.
We deployed the voices to the devices the minute we received them. We love them! Macayla uses her chat more with Riley's voice.
Brodee enjoys hearing someone similar to who he hears all the time.
We deployed the voices to the devices the minute we received them. We love them! Macayla uses her chat more with Riley's voice.
Brodee enjoys hearing someone similar to who he hears all the time.
Creating a unique voice for your child has never been so easy

Use with all PRC-Saltillo
communication solutions

Cross platform voice
works with any iOS app that
supports personal voices and with Windows communication software